Sunday, 7 December 2014

PDF⋙ Henry Neville and the Shakespeare Code by Brenda James

Henry Neville and the Shakespeare Code by Brenda James

Henry Neville and the Shakespeare Code

Henry Neville and the Shakespeare Code by Brenda James PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Sir Henry Neville - the true author of Shakespeare's works - the discovery that created a sensation in the literary world. Shakespeare historian, Brenda James, always felt that the dedication to the sonnets may have contained a code - but for what purpose? How could it be cracked? When her research led to a little-known code breaking technique, she did not suspect that this would reveal a 400 year old secret - the name of the real author. This book outlines James' investigation and previously unpublished material: code breaking, the discovery of forgotten documents and years of detailed research and analysis. Her journey unravels the mysteries behind the sonnets and explains some of the most obscure references in the plays. Find out why Sir Henry's authorship remained undiscovered for almost four centuries.

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