100 Diagnostic Challenges In Clinical Medicine by David R. Ramsdale
100 Diagnostic Challenges In Clinical Medicine by David R. Ramsdale PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
100 Diagnostic Challenges in Clinical Medicine is composed of one hundred well-illustrated clinical scenarios and their appropriate investigations. A wide variety of specialties are covered including cardiology, neurology, dermatology, endocrinology, tropical medicine, haematology, metabolic medicine, radiology, ophthalmology, venereology, and infectious diseases. Presenting the relevant investigations corresponding to each case in an interesting and easy-to-read Q&A format concerning diagnosis and management, this book serves as an ideal, and hopefully enjoyable, study aid for medical students and junior doctors who are preparing for clinical examinations in medicine. By solving the problems posed by these challenging clinical cases, the reader will gain additional practice in diagnosis and treatment strategies.From reader reviews:
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