Friday, 31 October 2014

PDF⋙ Agricultural Insect Pests and Their Control by V. B. Awasthi

Agricultural Insect Pests and Their Control by V. B. Awasthi

Agricultural Insect Pests and Their Control

Agricultural Insect Pests and Their Control by V. B. Awasthi PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad


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Thursday, 30 October 2014

PDF⋙ Insulating Modernism by Kiel Moe

Insulating Modernism by Kiel Moe

Insulating Modernism

Insulating Modernism by Kiel Moe PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

  No other concept has disturbed and disfigured our understanding of energy more than the seemingly innocent idea of isolation. Further, no other material practice in architecture has systemically reinforced this errant idea than insulation. In too many cases, architects and engineers treat buildings as increasingly "efficient" isolated systems without any regard for the larger energy hierarchies of a building. This is the exact opposite of how architects should engage energy.
  This book is a history of a most common material/energy practice in architecture: heat transfer and insulation. But this history aims for decidedly uncommon futures for architecture: fulfilling the potential of non-isolated thermodynamics in architecture. Much more than walls was insulated in modernity: in the course of modernity, insulation became a highly active physical, conceptual, and historical agent in the determinant habits of twentieth century architectural design and its associated construction practices.
  Non-isolated, non-equilibrium thermodynamics drive every building, city, and form of life. Their understanding helps architects grasp century-old thermodynamic concepts that position designers to finally capture, channel, intercept, store, accelerate, and modulate the total energetic dissipation of building through design.

From reader reviews:

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Saturday, 25 October 2014

PDF⋙ Instructional-design Theories and Models: A New Paradigm of Instructional Theory, Volume II: 2 (Instructional Design Theories & Models)

Instructional-design Theories and Models: A New Paradigm of Instructional Theory, Volume II: 2 (Instructional Design Theories & Models)

Instructional-design Theories and Models: A New Paradigm of Instructional Theory, Volume II: 2 (Instructional Design Theories & Models)

Instructional-design Theories and Models: A New Paradigm of Instructional Theory, Volume II: 2 (Instructional Design Theories & Models) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Instructional theory describes a variety of methods of instruction (different ways of facilitating human learning and development) and when to use--and not use--each of those methods. It is about how to help people learn better.

This volume provides a concise summary of a broad sampling of new methods of instruction currently under development, helps show the interrelationships among these diverse theories, and highlights current issues and trends in instructional design. It is a sequel to Instructional-Design Theories and Models: An Overview of Their Current Status, which provided a "snapshot in time" of the status of instructional theory in the early 1980s. Dramatic changes in the nature of instructional theory have occurred since then, partly in response to advances in knowledge about the human brain and learning theory, partly due to shifts in educational philosophies and beliefs, and partly in response to advances in information technologies. These changes have made new methods of instruction not only possible, but also necessary in order to take advantage of new instructional capabilities offered by the new technologies. These changes are so dramatic that many argue they constitute a new paradigm of instruction, which requires a new paradigm of instructional theory.

In short, there is a clear need for this Volume II of Instructional Design Theories and Models. To attain the broad sampling of methods and theories it presents, and to make this book more useful for practitioners as well as graduate students interested in education and training, this volume contains twice as many chapters, but each half as long as the ones in Volume I, and the descriptions are generally less technical. Several unique features are provided by the editor to help readers understand and compare the theories in this book:

*Chapter 1, which discusses the characteristics of instructional theory and the nature of the new paradigm of instruction, helps the reader identify commonalities across the theories.
*Chapter forewords, which summarize the major elements of the instructional-design theories, are useful for reviewing and comparing theories, as well as for previewing a theory to decide if it is of interest, and for developing a general schema that will make it easier to understand.
*Editor's notes provide additional help in understanding and comparing the theories and the new paradigm of instruction to which they belong.
*Units 2 and 4 have introductory chapters to help readers analyze and understand the theories in those units.

This is an essential book for anyone interested in exploring new approaches to fostering human learning and development and thinking creatively about ways to best meet the needs of learners in all kinds of learning contexts.

Readers are invited to use Dr. Charles Reigeluth's Web site to comment and to view others' comments about the instructional design theories in this book, as well as other theories. Point your browser to:

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Monday, 20 October 2014

PDF⋙ Le patrimoine juif europeen Actes du colloque international tenu a Paris, au Musee d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaisme, les 26, 27 et 28 janvier 1999 (Collection de la Revue des Etudes Juives) by M Polonovski

Le patrimoine juif europeen Actes du colloque international tenu a Paris, au Musee d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaisme, les 26, 27 et 28 janvier 1999 (Collection de la Revue des Etudes Juives) by M Polonovski

Le patrimoine juif europeen Actes du colloque international tenu a Paris, au Musee d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaisme, les 26, 27 et 28 janvier 1999 (Collection de la Revue des Etudes Juives)

Le patrimoine juif europeen Actes du colloque international tenu a Paris, au Musee d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaisme, les 26, 27 et 28 janvier 1999 (Collection de la Revue des Etudes Juives) by M Polonovski PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

La culture juive possede peut-etre plus que toute autre, une dimension europeenne, compte tenu des deplacements et des vicissitudes que l'Histoire a impose au peuple juif au cours des siecles. Ce lien culturel reste tres perceptible a travers les elements patrimoniaux particuliers qu'ont legue les diverses communautes juives au sein des nations de l'Europe qui les ont accueillies. La valeur historique, artistique ou architecturale de ce patrimoine en fonction du role et de l'importance des communautes juives depend le plus souvent de facteurs propres a l'histoire de chaque pays. Cependant, un destin historique commun transcende les differences nationales. L'evaluation de la qualite artistique ou de l'interet historique du patrimoine juif en Europe apparait de ce fait comme une demarche difficile. Elle est d'autant plus souhaitable sur un plan global qu'ainsi elle permettra de reequilibrer une vision parfois restrictive de certains aspects de ce patrimoine, evalues selon des criteres qualitatifs ou quantitatifs reposant sur des references a un patrimoine plus traditionellement reconnu. C'est la raison qui a conduit la direction du Patrimoine a organiser au musee d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaisme a Paris une conference internationale consacree au patrimoine juif europeen en janvier 1999. Ce colloque, premier du genre organise en Europe, et reunissant des universitaires, des architectes, des responsables de collections et des representants d'institutions, etait consacre a la connaissance, a la conservation et a la mise en valeur du patrimoine juif dans les pays d'Europe

From reader reviews:

Diana Sturgill:

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Read Le patrimoine juif europeen Actes du colloque international tenu a Paris, au Musee d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaisme, les 26, 27 et 28 janvier 1999 (Collection de la Revue des Etudes Juives) by M Polonovski for online ebook

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Le patrimoine juif europeen Actes du colloque international tenu a Paris, au Musee d'Art et d'Histoire du Judaisme, les 26, 27 et 28 janvier 1999 (Collection de la Revue des Etudes Juives) by M Polonovski Doc

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Saturday, 18 October 2014

PDF⋙ Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism, Volume One: From Herodotus to Plutarch (Fontes Ad Res Judaicas Spectantes) by Menahem Stern

Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism, Volume One: From Herodotus to Plutarch (Fontes Ad Res Judaicas Spectantes) by Menahem Stern

Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism, Volume One: From Herodotus to Plutarch (Fontes Ad Res Judaicas Spectantes)

Greek and Latin Authors on Jews and Judaism, Volume One: From Herodotus to Plutarch (Fontes Ad Res Judaicas Spectantes) by Menahem Stern PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A comprehensive corpus of texts relating to Jews and Judaism by the Greek and Latin authors of Antiquity. The collection furnishes valuable source material on the place of Jews and Judaism in the Mediterranean world during the rise and spread of Hellenism, concluding with concepts of Judaism held by the Neoplatonist philosophers. The writings of each author are accompanied by an introduction, a critical apparatus, an English translation and a detailed commentary in which the sources are examined in the context of the latest scholarship and archaeological findings.

From reader reviews:

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Friday, 10 October 2014

PDF⋙ Ehrenzweig outline vol.3 (v. 3)

Ehrenzweig outline vol.3 (v. 3)

Ehrenzweig outline vol.3 (v. 3)

Ehrenzweig outline vol.3 (v. 3) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

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Wednesday, 8 October 2014

PDF⋙ Professional fly tying,: Spinning, and tackle making manual and manufacturers' guide. [Authentic fly tying dictionary of popular patterns and a ... entomology, fresh and salt water lure making by George Leonard Herter

Professional fly tying,: Spinning, and tackle making manual and manufacturers' guide. [Authentic fly tying dictionary of popular patterns and a ... entomology, fresh and salt water lure making by George Leonard Herter

Professional fly tying,: Spinning, and tackle making manual and manufacturers' guide. [Authentic fly tying dictionary of popular patterns and a ... entomology, fresh and salt water lure making

Professional fly tying,: Spinning, and tackle making manual and manufacturers' guide. [Authentic fly tying dictionary of popular patterns and a ... entomology, fresh and salt water lure making by George Leonard Herter PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

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Tuesday, 7 October 2014

PDF⋙ American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery: Meeting, Marina del Rey, Calif., March 1995: Proceedings, Part II (Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery) (Pt. 2)

American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery: Meeting, Marina del Rey, Calif., March 1995: Proceedings, Part II (Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery) (Pt. 2)

American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery: Meeting, Marina del Rey, Calif., March 1995: Proceedings, Part II (Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery) (Pt. 2)

American Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery: Meeting, Marina del Rey, Calif., March 1995: Proceedings, Part II (Stereotactic & Functional Neurosurgery) (Pt. 2) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Special Topic Issue: Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 1996, Vol. 66, No. 1-3

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Monday, 6 October 2014

PDF⋙ Pattern and Loom: A Practical Study of the Development of Weaving Techniques in China, Western Asia and Europe (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Monograph) by John Becker

Pattern and Loom: A Practical Study of the Development of Weaving Techniques in China, Western Asia and Europe (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Monograph) by John Becker

Pattern and Loom: A Practical Study of the Development of Weaving Techniques in China, Western Asia and Europe (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Monograph)

Pattern and Loom: A Practical Study of the Development of Weaving Techniques in China, Western Asia and Europe (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Monograph) by John Becker PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Posthumously published in 1987, Pattern and Loom reveals new knowledge on the development of weaving techniques across the centuries from China through to Europe. This second edition will bring the results of the author’s experimental investigations to a new generation.

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Read Pattern and Loom: A Practical Study of the Development of Weaving Techniques in China, Western Asia and Europe (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Monograph) by John Becker for online ebook

Pattern and Loom: A Practical Study of the Development of Weaving Techniques in China, Western Asia and Europe (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Monograph) by John Becker Free PDF d0wnl0ad, audio books, books to read, good books to read, cheap books, good books, online books, books online, book reviews epub, read books online, books to read online, online library, greatbooks to read, PDF best books to read, top books to read Pattern and Loom: A Practical Study of the Development of Weaving Techniques in China, Western Asia and Europe (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Monograph) by John Becker books to read online.

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Thursday, 2 October 2014

PDF⋙ Marina Cicogna: Scritti e Scatti by Marina Cicogna, Jeanne Moreau, Calvin Klein

Marina Cicogna: Scritti e Scatti by Marina Cicogna, Jeanne Moreau, Calvin Klein

Marina Cicogna: Scritti e Scatti

Marina Cicogna: Scritti e Scatti by Marina Cicogna, Jeanne Moreau, Calvin Klein PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Photographer Marina Cicogna is the granddaughter of Count Volpi, who established the first Libyan film festival in 1932. Countess Marina grew up surrounded by stars and, in 1967, became a film producer with Indagine su un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto and La classe operaia va in paradiso. The success of these two films marked the beginning of a long list of productions including Medea, C'era una volta il West and Una stagione in inferno. This book accompanies an exhibition, designed by Dante Ferretti, which was staged in Rome's Villa Medici. A play on opulence and theatricality, Scritti e Scatti is comprised of approximately 80 candid black-and-white portrait shots of international celebrities from the golden days of the Dolce Vita: David Niven, Audrey Hepburn, Maria Callas, Charlie Chaplin, Jeanne Moreau, Cecil Beaton, Henry Fonda, Terence Stamp, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Rex Harrison, Catherine Deneuve, Brigitte Bardot, Monica Vitti and many others. "I wanted to find, through the photographs I had taken, the faces, the attitudes, landscapes that don't exist anymore, tokens of a time when all that is extraordinary seemed to us normal and everylasting," writes Cicogna in the preface to this book, which conveys the flavor of Cicogna's relationships with her subjects. In addition to Cicogna's own memoirs of the portraits, Scritti e Scatti includes recollections by friends such as Jeanne Moreau and Calvin Klein.

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Wednesday, 1 October 2014

PDF⋙ Resurrecting Leonora Piper: How Science Discovered the Afterlife by Michael Tymn

Resurrecting Leonora Piper: How Science Discovered the Afterlife by Michael Tymn

Resurrecting Leonora Piper: How Science Discovered the Afterlife

Resurrecting Leonora Piper: How Science Discovered the Afterlife by Michael Tymn PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Well before Darwinism, as it came to be called, impacted the educated world during the last four decades of the 19th Century, mainstream religion was in decline, as science and its concomitant, rationalism, took hold. Thomas Paine's book, The Age of Reason, published in three parts (1794, 1795, and 1807) influenced many educated people to repudiate their religious beliefs, including both God and the idea of an afterlife. For those who sat on the fence, unsure as to what to believe, Darwinism was the knock-out blow, since it was perceived as totally refuting the biblical account of creation as set forth in the Book of Genesis, which said that God created the world in seven days. Falsus in uno, falso in omnibus - false in one, then false in all - seems to have been the logical conclusion. After all, if the Bible had been inspired by God, as religious leaders proclaimed, how could an all-knowing God be so wrong? Therefore, god must not exist, and if there is no god, then there must not be an afterlife, either. If the spirits who communicated in the years immediately following the advent of Spiritualism in Hydesville, New York during 1848, are to be believed, there was a plan behind it all - a plan that resulted from a growing loss of faith and spiritual values in an increasingly materialistic world. "It is to draw mankind together in harmony, and to convince skeptics of the immortality of the soul," was the reply given to Territory of Wisconsin Governor Nathaniel P. Tallmadge when he asked a communicating spirit claiming to be John C. Calhoun, former vice-president of the United States, about the purpose of the strange phenomena. Some three years after the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) was founded in London in 1882, Leonora Piper, a young Boston, Massachusetts housewife, was "discovered" by William James, a pioneering psychologist, of Harvard University. Messages were delivered through Mrs. Piper that seemed to be coming from spirits of the dead. Soon after the discovery of Mrs. Piper, the American branch of the SPR (ASPR) was formed under the guidance of Professor James, and its primary task became the study of her mediumship, although it undertook the investigation of other mediums and paranormal phenomena, as well. A number of other reputable scientists and scholars studied Mrs. Piper for a quarter of a century. Unfortunately, because of the resistance of mainstream science on one end and orthodox religion on the other, the latter seeing communication with spirits as demonic, the research has been, for the most part, filed away in dust-covered cabinets and written off by many as outdated. Skeptics deride it as the product of hallucination and delusion and conclude that Mrs. Piper was just another charlatan, one clever enough to dupe many intelligent men and women in hundreds of observations over some 25 years. As the researchers came to understand, spirits face many obstacles in communicating with the earth realm and thus their messages are often fragmentary, confusing, distorted, meaningless, and wrong. Professor James called it the "bosh" material, seeing it as one major reason why Mrs. Piper's mediumship was not more widely accepted. In this book, author Michael Tymn filters out much of the bosh, permitting the reader to better appreciate the genuine communication. He explores the various interpretations, other than fraud, considered by the researchers. He approaches the subject as a lawyer arguing for the reality of spirit communication. He believes that those who carefully study the research and take the time to understand it will likely see Leonora Piper as the "white crow" that William James proclaimed her to be - the one who proved that all crows are not black, the one who gave science some very intriguing evidence that, under certain conditions, the "dead" can communicate with us.

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